We are all free spirits, says Lucy Bullivant from @thejay.uk. She shared a lovely #post on media about it and hit a nerve with me. It seems such hard work to be a #free #spirit in the world we live. Everything seems to constrain us: societies, others and our expectations, inequality, the hamster wheel we got attached to, trauma, patterns inherited, conditioning, fear, habits, laziness, lack of awareness.
We admire those rebellious ones who defy norms and take a walk on the #wild side. Society makes us believe it's only special people who can do that. I think everyone is a free spirit, #untamed as Lucy said it.
It might take us a lifetime or several to completely break the chains, but I believe it is the only #path worth walking. The rest is simply side tracks to make it more #interesting. That doesn't mean you go and hide in a cave waiting for #enlightenment. We can find it in our #ordinary life. No, I don't have the answers for you, but I know wonderful guides, #courageous #souls to inspire us to find our own way. Lucy Bullivant is one of them. She is a #tarot reader, #reiki practitioner, #writer, teacher and an #untamed soul.
If you want to meet her, participate in a moon ritual, experience something new in a very relaxed atmosphere, my virtual living room, join us this Monday evening at 7.30 pm UK time.
Stay wild, Nora