I love Olga for so many reasons. She has many hidden talents as a #pastrychef, #chocolatier, #nutritionist, fantastic barn dancer, ambitious 5am #runner, a great storyteller with #humour that cracks me up, and not least as a courageous #woman from Kyrkistan. I am sure there are many other sides of her I have yet to discover. When I look at Olga, I see an abundance of creative energy, that inspires me and others. No matter what she decides to do, I know it's going to be done with #style, #beauty, and #fearless #passion, and always resulting in un-conventional #masterpieces.
On the 3rd of December, we are going to relish in her wisdom as a Registered Nutritional Therapist. On this FREE webinar, we are going to talk about female health and The Mighty Gut. More info here: https://fb.me/e/1OGft7Cgp
Bring a cup of tea, wine, or whatever you fancy, and all your #questions — there are no taboos. By the end of this one-hour session, you will leave with #practical #solutions. Hopefully, we can all live in harmony with our #bodies without unnecessary #pain once we learn the unique language our body speaks in.
Yes, I know, the gut is cool again, and lot's of people are interested in what, how, and why is it so important — myself included. I never paid too much attention to it until pain and discomfort appeared and I needed to start listening to my body. I usually ignore the #signs, body slam and then rest a bit before I take the body on another rollercoaster ride. Well, I reached the age where all I did before doesn't work anymore. My body doesn't want to cooperate. I wonder why???
I got frustrated. It's like the body speaks Japanese to me and I don't get it. So I needed a teacher, Olga, to teach me Japanese. We need someone to #teach us what the body is saying to us and then eventually, one #happy day we will get it and graduate in understating the signs, listening and give the body what it needs (not necessarily what we want). It's like a forgotten language. I enjoy this process very much, and I find #comfort and #inspiration from all the #ladies out there going through the same discovering #journey.
See you next week Thursday the 3rd of December, 7 pm - 8pm UK time.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 895 4782 5046
Passcode: 689753
Also, you can let us know on the Facebook Event HERE that you are coming, so we can roughly know the numbers. Please do share it with your sisters, mothers, friends, and anyone might need it. We really appreciate any help you can offer spreading the message.
Love, Nora