Click on the photo to see our dancing video.
Here we are almost at the end of this #terrific #year, one to be remembered for all sorts of reasons. This Christmas is one of a kind, but not without #miracles. Our #family managed to learn a K-Pop dance routine in a few days. It took a lot of patience from our teenage daughter, almost dislocating #hips, embracing our #limits, ultimately letting go of any desire to be on time and enjoying #playfulness. Also, the computer had so say NO at one point and gave up on me. Hence the late email.
I wish you all to find #strength, #creativity and #joy within even in the darkest moments. I know sometimes it's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. But rest assured, my #friends. It's always there. It wouldn't be called a tunnel otherwise, it would be a dead end.
I want to say thank to all the torch bearers of this year, the friends and family that shined their light when I couldn't see, to all the ears that listen to me patiently, to all the Masters that taught me #lessons and to all of you, my dear ones. I know we are not alone. I am eternally grateful.
I wish you all a playful Christmas.
Love, Nora