No, it's not about heart surgery, though it might feel like it at times. It's about #consciously thinking of someone I #love, embracing all the layers of my #emotions that might arise. As we know, it's not always black and white. It never really is. That is why I call it heart-opening because all sorts of feelings will come up. Joy.
I will start my challenge on Wednesday, and I will spend each day #meditating on one particular person and imagine all that tighs me to them and share a post about it on media. Why am I doing that?
Warm-up for our series of workshops with Kevin Davidson - The Magick Stone, where we will create an experience for someone we love. Connecting to our heart and exploring the #relationship is a must before designing a #gift like that.
Lockdown created physical #distance from our loved ones and might tempt the #heart to close as missing people can be painful. Time to reconnect.
International Women's Day is on the 8th of March, and it's natural for me to think of all the women who inspired, raised, and #nurture me.
Mother's Day is on the 14th of March in the UK. Our first #deep love #connection was towards our mothers in most cases.
Opening your heart has multiple benefits: getting used to being #vulnerable, #experience long, last emotions, shifting #shit might happen, and releasing #tension. You know the theory; now it's time to put it into practice.
Laugh. Connect. Grow
Love, Nora